WHO Poll

Nutsin 9:33 Sun Jan 14
Most impressive bit if skill
There’s been some great displays of skill over the years from various players, Ronaldinho was one player that was off the charts.

Here’s a clip of some magic by Ronaldinho.


What clips or moments do you remember that has stuck with you.

Replies - In Chronological Order (Show Newest Messages First)

Tomshardware 10:27 Sun Jan 14
Re: Most impressive bit if skill

Maradona, no one comes close.

Nutsin 10:59 Sun Jan 14
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
I’ve been looking for this clip of Gascoigne playing for Spurs, he is in the box and deliberately over runs the ball to get the defender to commit then he slows down to let the ball catch up before slotting it home.

Can’t find it though, pure magic…I remember Bergkamp too with some incredible play in the Prem.

zico 11:05 Sun Jan 14
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
I did laugh that time when Payet was juggling his chewing gum in the warm up before a game on Sky.

Hello Mrs. Jones 11:48 Sun Jan 14
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
What would be impressive is to see you extricate your head from your arsehole

Hammer and Pickle 11:53 Sun Jan 14
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Skill is also about the stakes on the occasion - that Tevez goal at Old Trafford in the Great Escape season for example.

Mad Dog 12:03 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Some of payet's skills were pretty impressive. That goal against Middlesbrough being notable. Dicanio obviously.

But I'd like to mention that bit of skill from kudus v arsenal in the cup where he controlled that 50 yard pass.on a backheel before scoring. I didnt even clock it was on the backheel till I saw thr highlights on the train home

Takashi Miike 12:41 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Di Canio taking the piss out of Keown
Joe Cole in the youth cup final

arsene york-hunt 12:44 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill

Mad Dog 12:03 Mon Jan 15

simon.s 9:55 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
That cross from Payet for the goal against Watford. Shame we collapsed in the second half.

BubblesCyprus 10:00 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Di Canio mid air volley and the Cruyff Turn

Mr Anon 11:06 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Maradona warming up.

Lineker mentions what the camera didn't pick up was a part where he was booting the ball up in the air as hard as he could over and over without having to move, something he has never seen before or since

mallard 11:55 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Dennis Bergkamp’s goal for Holland vs Argentina.


Northern Sold 12:49 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Tomshardware 10:27 Sun Jan 14

Just magnificent and yet heartbreaking at the same time.... heartbreaking that he can do more keeppy'ups with a golf ball, empty pepsi bottle and orange than I could with an actual football.... Genius.... him not me !!

dealcanvey 12:51 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Masuaku against Spurs.

He had great feet.


Mr. Burns 1:16 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill

This was impressive albeit not during a game

cholo 1:30 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill

Non West Ham

Redondo making a fool of Man U's defence will be forever lodged in my memory.

Northern Sold 1:43 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
ARTHUR??!!!! HA HA HA!!!!

RootsRadical 3:25 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Patsy Holland juggling the ball down the entire length of wing at Upton Park, 1970s, can't remember who we were playing.

Lato 5:36 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
Two Goals Di Canio scored, the Wimbledon one obviously and the one he scored at Stamford bridge 2002 . He received the ball from a Schemmel throw in flicked it up on his right foot to his left and smacked it past Cudicini. The keeper is still looking for the ball to this day I think.

southbankbornnbred 6:28 Mon Jan 15
Re: Most impressive bit if skill
There are so many to choose from by the likes of Maradona (greatest ever player), Pele, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Cruyff, Bergkamp etc. And from "our" lot we have a wealth of stuff by Di Canio, Payet, Brooking etc.

But, while it's not my favourite bit of skill, this at 1.10 mins into this link has always stuck in my mind


It's Michael Laudrup completely mesmerising a defender to the point where he doesn't even touch the ball in order to go past him. It's "just" a body feint and the defender goes in completely the wrong direction. At no point during the move does Laudrup even touch the ball.

The look of utter humiliation and despair on the defender's face - he just looks to the skies and gives up the chase - is superb. That's how you "own" an opponent.

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